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Precision Nutrition: Week 9 Update

Precision Nutrition Update

The best laid plans of mice and men, right? Okay, friends, so let’s talk a Precision Nutrition update. It’s been nine weeks – almost 10! – of lessons, workouts, and habits. Has it helped? Has it changed anything? And what you’re really wondering, have I lost a gazillion pounds?

In short, yes, yes, and hahahahaha – no. BUT there’s reasons for all of that.

How’s Precision Nutrition Going?

If you’re not familiar with Precision Nutrition, you can check out my overview here. It’s basically a year-long program that teaches you how to change habits in order to better your health. Is it helping?

I believe it is. Big time.

For nine weeks I’ve had some of the biggest stress inducing situations and changes in my life – like ever. From health issues to injury, to changes with the kids and more. The last nine weeks have been nothing but stress.

In normal times, I would have gained weight from that.

In Precision Nutrition times, I have lost.

The Change

Here’s the thing, even though I’ve lost a little bit of weight, I’ve gained a lot more in terms of self-awareness, habit forming, and self-acceptance. I have a long way to go, but for now, it’s progress.

And I’ll take that.

If you’re thinking that you’ll magically lose 50 pounds in the first few weeks, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. Please don’t set yourself up for that.

Precision Nutrition is all about changing your mindset, so that you can change the habits and the challenges that have held you in place for so, so long – too long. For me, that means a lot of looking at habits, choices, and food struggles.

Precision Nutrition Update Week 9 -

My Weakness

Ice cream is my weakness. If it’s in the house, I’ll eat it. I even got Lactaid tablets to counteract the dairy, because there was no way I was giving up ice cream. (Super danger zone bonus – did you know that there’s a thing called Lactaid ice cream?? WHAT!!?! It’s delicious and doesn’t have the enzymes that make my stomach upset. It’s a “red food” for sure.)

So, I’ve been practicing things to help counteract my habit of eating ice cream. When I want it, I wait five minutes and do something else to distract myself. If I still want it after those minutes are up, I have a small bit and enjoy every single bite. I don’t make myself feel guilty (don’t we all have enough self-induced guilt in our lives without needing more?!), but enjoy it and move on.

Before Precision Nutrition, I’d eat it and feel guilty. Now, I eat it and enjoy it.

Which, admittedly, is kind of a weird thing to say when doing a fitness and nutrition program.

But the thing is that it’s really a mindset program. It’s about being okay with where you are now.

And right now, that’s the best kind of program I could ever ask for.
