Keep your fitness journey going throughout the holidays! Check out these 10 ways to stay happy and stay in shape during the holidays!
If I was thinner and more muscular, I’d be a lot happier. No matter what I do, I will never be able to lose those 10 pounds that haunt my hips. I hate yoga. I tell myself a lot of lies to make excuses for, get out of, and capitalize on situations. We all do. …
Intrinsic motivation can be a tricky thing – especially when it comes to exercise. We know we should do it, but it’s often a lot easier not to do it in favor of other things. Getting to the point where we’re intrinsically motivated to get up off the sofa or out of bed in the …
Have you heard the phrase “Never miss a Monday”? If you’ve been exercising for any length of time you probably have seen it posted somewhere or your trainer or coach has said it. What’s the deal with Mondays anyway? Why is missing a Monday worse than missing a Tuesday or even the middle of the …
Some days we roar with our accomplishments, shouting our feats of strength and runs of record time to the world. And other days, we quietly continue on our journey, lifting weights, sweating on the elliptical, and dragging ourselves through a long run. Work outs aren’t always great and sometimes just getting through it feels like …
“Why can’t you ever stick with anything?” “Ugh! Seriously, you’re going to eat a piece of candy?!” “Oh my gosh, look how your stomach sticks out, look at the cellulite on your thighs, and oh my gosh, are those stretch marks?! You look awful!” “You’re never going to be good at Pilates or yoga or …
I remember being incredibly frustrated that the weight I was trying to lose after I had my third child wasn’t coming off as quickly as I wanted it to. It was disappointing, it was discouraging, and it was disheartening that I wasn’t seeing the immediate results that I longed to see. Immediate as in, “I …
“It takes me three times as long to get ready to workout on days when I’m not feeling it,” a friend recently confessed. “What’s the secret to being enthusiastic about working out every day?” I laughed and tried to put her mind at ease by admitting that even those of us who love to exercise …
What are your exercise excuses and how can you overcome them? Exercise Excuses Slipping from bed in the wee hours of the morning, driving to the gym, working out and getting in some much needed physical – and mental – “me” time. It was fantastic and over the course of three months, I was well …