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10 Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

Keep your fitness journey going throughout the holidays!  Check out these 10 ways to stay in shape during the holiday season!

You’ve been working hard to get fit and the last thing you want is to lose your momentum during the holiday season.  With tempting treats, extra busy schedules, and festive functions filling up the days, maintaining the progress that you’ve worked so hard to achieve can easily be pushed aside. 

Well, with a little bit of planning, you can stay motivated and stay in shape by incorporating a few tips and tricks during this busy time of year!

Take a look at ten ways that can help you to maintain your figure during the holiday season.   

10 Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

How to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water every day will keep you hydrated while also curbing food cravings at the same time.  Consuming water throughout the day is a simple way to keep you on your fitness track over the holidays.  

Keep Moving

While it’s easy to want to kick back and relax during what little downtime you have during the holidays, remember to keep moving.  Get up a move for a minimum of five minutes every hour.     


Getting enough sleep is very important over the holidays.  It will increase your energy, boost your mood, and help you to stay focused.

10 Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

Stick to a Routine

The holiday schedule can get crazy, but try to create a routine that you can stick to.  Set a few times a week for a workout, a meditation, and just to simply check in with yourself.  

Pick a Partner

Finding a fitness friend is a great way to stay in shape during the holidays.  Having someone to hold you accountable, lift you up when you’re down, and keep you focused will help you to stay on track.  

Wake Up Early

Getting started at the same time every day can be beneficial to your fitness journey.  Incorporating a morning routine that includes a set exercise plan means that you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

Be Creative

Think outside the box when looking for ways to stay in shape.  Take the stairs, park at the far end of the parking lot, have a dance party, or go bowling.  Keeping up with your fitness can be done creatively!

10 Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holidays


There are lots of holiday-themed activities to get involved in.  Sign up for a festive 5K, bike ride, or marathon for a fun way to stay fit.  Participation is paramount!   

Set Goals

Stay focused on your fitness by setting goals.  Keeping them realistic and attainable will help you maintain your shape during the holiday season.

Eat Smart

With all the tempting holiday goodies, it can be easy to overindulge in sweets and other decadent foods.  Eat smart by still enjoying those tasty treats you love, but by doing so with small portion sizes.

10 Ways to Stay in Shape During the Holidays

Staying Fit During the Holidays is Possible

Take the time to stay in shape throughout the holiday season with these 10 terrific tips.  From Thanksgiving, all the way to New Years, maintain your healthy mind and body by focusing on your fitness while still enjoying all the holiday cheer!

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